Mosquito Control
Mosquito Congnito®
Flying Insect Control
Termite Control & Wood Protection
Mosquito Control


Mosquito Congnito® - The dragonfly® system

Congnito controls mosquitoes and other backyard pests so that people can retake control of their yards and enjoy the outdoors...without being eatenalive by mosquitoes and other biting insects.
  When humans and animals exhale, they give off CO2 (carbon dioxide) and Octenol (an alcohol). Mosquito have sensors that can detect the presence of these two chemicals at a distance of almost 100 feet. Once the mosquitoes pick up the scent, they will immediately change direction and fly rapidly toward the intended victim.





Not a repellent -
an inhibitor that blocks the keenest sense mosquitoes have

Does what repellent can't -
it blocks the mosquito's ability to track your scent. In USDA laboratory tests, Congnito was twice effective than DEET and many times better than Citronella oil at preventing mosquitoes from homing in on human scent.