Mosquito Control
Flying Insect Control
Termite Control & Wood Protection
Termifilm, Termigranuls & Termifuge by Cecil
XIL BI by Cecil
Termite Control & Wood Protection


Termifilm, Termigranuls & Termifuge by Cecil

  CECIL, France's leading specialist in wood treatment and decoration products, has developed an anti-termite
process which is simple - and highly effective.


is a plastic sheet used to insulate buildings and contains a termicide

is the first anti-termite treatment not to pollute the soil

termicide within not only repels and kill them

to enable pipework to penetrate the barrier

special termicidal pellets which maintain the effect in the absence of film

protect piles, staircases, terraces, crawl spaces, buildings with party underground

basements (or with irregular finished ground level)



foundations of no more than 80cm (30in) deep

-laying under the slab

-laying of Termifilm on the slab perimeter


foundations of more than 80cm (30in) deep

- laying along the base of excavations

- applying to walls of foundations

- laying of Terimfilm at the edge of the slab


Termifilm barrier continuity with Termigranuls -

every gap in the Termifilm barrier (penetration inlets or outlets) must be treated with a homogeneous mixture prepared with 10 to 20% of Termigranuls and 90 to 80% of in-fill and placed in atrench around pipes:

1) width 15 cm (6 in) from the centre of the pipe

2) depth 30 cm (12 in)


Protecting Piles -

applying Termifilm to the higher part of the piles, at least 1.50 m (5 FT) deep. Cover the horizontal upper section with Termifuge using a brush or roll.


Protecting Staircases -

cover with Termifilm the bottom of the excavation for the staircase foundations. For complete preventive treatment, it is recommended to cover the underside of the staircase with Termifuge.


Protecting terraces

Proceed as for a standard slab by laying Termifilm on the whole surface of the terrace.


Protecting crawl spaces -

protecting the Termifilm laid in the crawl space with 5 cm (2 in) thick layer of sand.


Protecting buildings with partly underground basements or with irregular finished ground level


protect piles, staircases, terraces, crawl spaces, buildings with party underground basements
(or with irregular finished ground level)